Archive for September 2010

Australian Photographs, Gum tree bark and an Aboriginal cave painting

Pat took these photographs on one of her visits to Australia. Five are photographs of gum tree bark and the sixth is of Aboriginal handprints on the rock of a cave wall.She intends to use them as inspiration for doing something with layers.Posted by Picasa

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Oxfordshire photographs

Mary took these photographs while on holiday in Oxfordshire. The first picture is of the golden hop which you can usually smell before you see it. The second is of a newly reconstructed garden which will eventually be smothered in clinbing roses. There is plenty to inspire in both photographs and Mary has more if anyone is interested.

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Gillian has finished her stumpwork roses picture with a painted and embroidered leaf background. The close up picture of the rose does not do justice to the neat stitching, colour shading and attention to detail. They look so life like you can almost smell them!

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September Meeting Sharing skills

At our September Meeting three of our members demonstrated Needlelace, Beaded Tassels and Delicate Bowls. It was a very enjoyable day and thanks go to Pat ,Margaret and Sheila for their hard work and preparation.

September Meeting Sharing skills

Sheila demonstrated her pretty beaded tassels and the members were able to have a go and make one for themselves. There was deep concentration as members threaded 100 small beads!

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September meeting Sharing skills

Margaret demonstrated Needlelace and members were able to have a go in small groups. The work was very pretty and delicate. Extra lenses were needed to see the stitches!!!

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September Meeting Sharing skills

Pat showed us in small groups how her delicate bowls were made. It was impractical to make the bowls on the day but we were given enough information to have a go at home and we hope to have a full session some time in the future!

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Sewing Picnic at Mintfest

On Sunday 5th September Elizabeth and Sandra set up a promotional stand for our Guild as part of the Mintfeast activities. Our creations were well received with a lot of people showing interest in our activities including a dentist who said he had only stitched gums!!!!
Our Regional chairperson was also present promoting the Guild.

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Sewing Picnic at Mintfest in Kendal

As part of the sewing picnic there was a chance for people to have a go at stitching by sewing on a strip of fabric and/or beads.Most of the stitchers were children who were full of enthusiasm!The results look very bright and cheerful.

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