Archive for October 2010

Craft Fair Oct.2010

A big thank you to all the members who helped set up the Craft Stall on Saturday, donated items to sell, helped sell items and came and bought. Selling was slow and steady throughout the day and we have made about the same as last year for our funds. Considering the current economic climate we should all be pleased with the result.
Well Done!

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I see no ships

Maureen and her husband often visit family in Australia. Milly their grandaughter was the inspiration for this embroidery as she sat on the beach near Sydney looking for boats! The problem was there weren't any!
Maureen did this piece in between major renovation work on their house. Well Done Maureen!

This painting on a wall near where they stayed in Australia is inspiration for a future piece.

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Greek Temple

Sicily has some of the best Ancient Greek temples and Sandra loves the honey colour of the stone and the pattern made by the shadows against the top of the Doric columns in sunlight.

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Prickly Pear skeleton

Sandra took this picture of the skeleton of a prickly pear plant. She thought it would make a lovely pattern on disolvable plastic.

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Monreale Cathedral

Sandra has just returned from Sicily where she took a photograph of this pattern made by Islamic craftsmen on one of the pillars at the Norman cathedral of Monreale. She thought it might be of interest to patchworkers.
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October Meeting

We held our AGM at this month's meeting and the Chairperson thanked all members for their support over the past year. There was a vote of thanks for the outgoing committee especially Dorothy as secretary and Pat as treasurer. Our new committee was voted in for the next year.
After the AGM Dorothy showed us how to make a booklet for stamps. She had prepared lots of packs in advance so that all we had to do was follow the instructions! We were soon all busy making our booklets and Dorothy suggested that if we wanted we could donate our booklet to our Craft Fair Stall on Sat. 23rd October at Lower Holker Village Hall, Cark. All proceeds will go to our Guild Funds. At the moment members are very busy making things for the two craft fairs we will be attending.
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