Archive for November 2010

Craft Fair 27th November

Saturday 27th November was bitterly cold with a dusting of snow on the ground. Everywhere looked beautiful in the Winter sunshine but the pavements were slippery and the air was like a knife.

We had a stall at the Craft Fair in St. Paul's Hall in Grange which looked very tempting thanks to the skills of our members but people were in short supply partly because of the weather.

We made a profit for our funds but selling was slow.

A big thank you to our members for coming to help when it would have been much easier to sit in a warm house!

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Knitting and Stitching Show Harrogate

The weather forecast for Friday 26th November was to be icy with outbreaks of snow so there was some uncertainty as to whether we would be able to go to the Knitting and Stitching Show in Harrogate. As Friday dawned it was very cold but dry and the early morning forecast predicted it would stay that way.

We all met up at Grange station at 8:15 where our coach was waiting for us. We picked up a few more people on route and arrived in Harrogate by 10:30.

It was a very enjoyable day with lots to buy, plenty to look at and inspiring exhibitions to show us what is now possible in embroidery.

We left at 4:00 heavily laden with goods, ideas and aching feet!!! It was a good day and everyone is now looking foreward to next year all ready.

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November Meeting Braids and Cords

Here you can see our members concentrating hard on their braids which were made on card templates that Marge had cut out for us.The different braids were made by using varying numbers of coloured threads on the card templates and moving them in different orders.
The room was silent apart from the counting of the threads as they were moved around the template. Gradually braids began to emerge from the bottom of the templates and you can see three of the half finished ones in the Photographs.
It was a most enjoyable meeting and I expect we will see lots of hand made braids on our work in the future.
Thank you to Marge for inspiring us and doing all the preparation !

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November Meeting Braids and Cords with Marge Quinn

Our November Meeting was a workshop with Marge Quinn where she showed us how to make three different kinds of braids. She brought many beautiful samples of her work so that we could see that the possibilities were endless!

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