Archive for October 2011

Craft Fair 2011

A big thank you to all of our members who helped by making items to sell, looked after the stall and attended the craft fair last Saturday. The sales table looked very attractive and tempting.
However, because of the economic climate attendance was fairly low and people who did attend were being careful with their money. Despite this we still managed to raise £93-50 which will help subsidise some of our workshops. A big thank you once again for your support.

Craft Fair

We are all working hard making things to sell at the Craft fair we will be attending on the 22nd October to raise money for our funds to help subsidise our workshops. The pictures show a range of items completed so far ranging from mirrors and Christmas decorations to bags and hats.

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October Meeting 2011

After our A.G.M. some members carried on working on their Olympic postcards.

When completed they will be displayed with postcards from other branches of different countries.
Our country is San Marino and a whole variety of embroidery techniques are being used to represent the flavour of San Marino.

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