Archive for November 2011

Knitting and Stitching Show Harrogate November 2011

On Friday 25th November we had our annual trip to the Knitting and Stitching Show at Harrogate. We went by coach with practically everyone clutching their shopping lists and their empty bags ready to be filled!
The venue was very crowded with like minded people looking for that special something they cannot buy at home and scanning the displays for inspiration for their next project.
The displays were beautiful and the colours and textures everywhere were mind boggling. My particular favourite display was the Prestonpans Tapestry which was far longer than the Bayeux Tapestry. There are three pictures below.
By the end of the afternoon we had all had a good day and our bags were full with goodies!

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The Embroiderers' Guild Exhibition of Work Barton Grange Garden Centre Nov 2011

These photographs were taken at the travelling Exhibition of some of the pieces in the Guild's collection. We thought that those of you who were unable to attend might like to see them. The photographs are courtesy of Jennifer.

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No prizes for guessing who made this sandal for the Greek Messenger God Hermes!!!!!!

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November Meeting 2011 Fun with Shoes

This month we welcomed Helen McKenna with her decorated and embroidered shoes; samples of which you can see in the picture.

Helen explained that we could either decorate an existing pair of shoes or make our own from card and pelmet vilene.

The first thing we did was to make our own fabric to cover our shoes.

The fabrics we created can be seen in the small pictures.

Once the fabric had been made we began to cover our shoes. Most members got as far as this and then took their shoes home to add decoration and the finishing touches.
Hopefully some completed shoes will be brought to the next meeting.Those members who took part in the workshop found it enjoyable and different to our usual workshops. One member is already looking for dancing lessons so that she can try hers out! Thank you Helen for introducing us to something unusual.


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