Archive for 2012

December Meeting 2012 Christmas Party and Competition

This month we all arrived bearing goodies for the Jacob's Join and many members were carrying  extra prizes to be donated for the raffle.


The room had been decorated with a pretty Christmas tree which helped to create a festive atmosphere.
For our Christmas competion members had brought their completed Everlasting Landscape started at the last meeting with Anne Covell. There was some holding of breadth when we saw if they matched up but they produced a very pleasing landscape as you can see below.

 Members voted for their favourite and the winner was number 7 embroidered by Gillian Darrington. Well Done Gillian!

We then had a quiz based on hand stitches which caused a lot of giggling!

We then set up the food and everyone was invited to help themselves.
It was an enjoyable meeting and all thanks go to the members for their offerings of food, raffle prizes, taking part in the quiz and competition.
Happy Christmas to all our members and wishing you all a peaceful New Year.

Knitting and Stitching Show Harrogate 2012

On Friday 23rd November our members gathered at Grange Station to wait for the coach to take us to Harrogate. The coach arrived on time and we had a couple more pick ups on route before arriving in Harrogate about 10:15.
Some of us had lists of items we hoped to buy others were just waiting for something to catch their eye before buying but we were all hoping to be inspired by the displays.
By 11o'clock it was very busy and exceedingly hot but we managed to find lots to buy, inspire and enjoy.
One of the highlights of the show was to see the athletes of the world postcards on display. They looked absolutely stunning displayed en masse.
San Marino is in the centre

Our second strip is in the 

centre topped with the map

Just a few of the many postcards
It was a very enjoyable day but we were all very tired on the way home.

November Meeting 2012 Everlasting Landscapes Anne Covell

Our meeting this month was taken by one of our own members Anne Covell who had entered the competition run by Stitch magazine to produce an Everlasting Landscape. Anne's entry was considered good enough to feature in Stitch and can be seen in the pictures of the entries below.

Anne's embroidery is top row, middle
Ann explained how first we needed to produce a design  and she showed us how the measurements needed to be precise for the area in which we were going to work particularly the end points so that they would fit together to make a continuous embroidery.

The colours for the background were chosen so that they would be similar when joined together

We drew and coloured our designs so that we had some idea which colours we would be using and where.

We transferred our design to a back ground fabric and proceeded to applique from the back. A couple of members decided to stitch in needlepoint.

Most of us finished our designs and started the applique and stitching which we are going to finish at home. We will then mount the embroideries and bring them back to the December Meeting where they will be our Christmas competition.
Hopefully they will all fit together to make an Everlasting Landscape and all be a good as Anne's!
Thank You Anne for a very interesting day and introducing us to something we had never tried before.

Craft fair 2012 October 27th

Craft Fair at Little Holker Hall, Cark

On Saturday we had a stall as part of the craft fair in Cark.
This year we kept to smaller items some with Christmas in mind.

 The day was a very beautiful crisp Autumn day and this seemed to bring more people out than last year. The selling was steady throughout the day  and those who helped on the day had an enjoyable time.

Thank you to all members who made items, worked on the stall and/or bought items. All monies raised will go to our funds to help support the cost of workshops.

Craft Stall

Thank you to all members who have made items to sell at our stall on Saturday 27th October at the Craft Fair.
I am posting some of the items we have collected so far.
Book Marks

Gift Tags



Key Rings

Bag, Book and Box

Gift Boxes

Tissue Holder and Pin Cushion

Cards and Gift Tags

Christmas Decorations

October Meeting 2012 AGM, Talk by Empress Mills

After our AGM we were treated to avery amusing and interesting talk on threads by Christine Driver of Empress Mills. She told us a little about the history of the family firm and how it had needed to adjust to changing times in order to survive.
An assortment of threads were passed around for us to handle.
The main message was "that you need the right thread to do the right job."

We then had a good time while we looked through all the exciting things Christine had brought and most of us found something we simply possibly had to have!
Christine Driver Of Empress Mills

It was a good way to complete our AGM day and thanks must go to Christine Driver and her two helpers. 

Sandra K. brought her Lutradur piece, started at the last meeting, to show everyone. It was based upon Furness Abbey and Sandra had printed some of her photographs onto Lutradur painted with gesso.
The stonework was then cut out with a soldering iron.

More Illuminated Letters

Margaret has made another illuminated letter and used it on the front of a card.

Anne has just finished hers because she was away for the workshop.
They both look beautiful but very different. Thank you Margaret and Anne.


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