Archive for January 2012

Dancing Shoes

Sandra W. has finished revamping her shoes which were started at the November Meeting.They are now ready to trip the light fantastic!!!!!
Well Done Sandra! They are very pretty.

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Sporting Nations Project San Marino

We have now completed our contribution to the Sporting Nations Project initiated by The Embroiderers' Guild. Each branch was given a country and ours was San Marino, a small republic surrounded by Italy.
The embroideries below show our members interpretation of the geography and culture of that country carried out in a whole range of different stitch techniques. Our members should be very pleased with the colourful and attractive outcome.
The postcards will now be posted to Embroiderers' Guild house where they will be joined by all the other postcards from groups across Great Britain to be displayed at venues up and down the country in readiness for the Sporting Games.
Well Done and Thank You Everyone!

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January Meeting 2012 Thread Bins

This month's meeting was led by one of our own members Anne Covell who showed us how to make Thread Bins for all our snippets of thread. The design was rather ingenious in that it telescoped down to a small flat cirle when folded away.

Anne showed us a completed bin and some half finished ones so that she could demonstrate how they were made and how the stitching joined the pieces together.

We made a tube of fabric and then cut out 2 x card circles, 2 x wadding circles and 2 x fabric circles larger than the card circles.
The fabric circles were gathered and pulled tightly over the card and wadding. This was done twice for the base and then the two separate pieces were sewn together.

A four inch inner tambour ring was slipped inside the half folded tube and stabbed stitched tightly in place.

The circles were then stitched in place one to one side of the doubled fabric one to the other. This was hard to imagine but Anne demonstrated on her half completed bins and it started to make sense.

At the end of the day we had all completed a thread bin something which happens very rarely as we usually run out of time. A big thank you to Anne for helping us make something attractive and also useful.

We will now be the neatest sewers around with all threads in our bins!!!

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