Archive for March 2012

March Meeting 2012 Brooches

This month saw the return of Ann Christy, a favourite of our members, to run a workshop on brooches. Ann brought with her a selection of her hand made brooches which were jewel like in colour, design and embellishment and everyone unique. The pictures below show just a few samples.

Ann showed us how to make a background material on ordinary plastic and then cut out small interesting shapes from this material to use as a basis for our brooch. To help with timing Ann had already cut out a few for us to use and members rummaged through looking for their favourite colours!

We had the option of making a machine / hand embroidered or felt brooch and most members had already chosen which they were going to make with coloured embellishments already to hand.

Our members set to immediately embroidering the edge and then stitching on wire and beads to embellish the front.Slowly brooches began to develop amid great concentration and occasional giggling!

Our first member to complete her brooch had made a coordinating felt brooch with her blue coat and here she is strutting her stuff!

Another member completed this one . The resy of us mostly managed to complete the front but took it home to attach the backing and pin. A most enjoyable day all thanks to Ann and her ingenuity.

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Embroidered Stained - glass Windows

These beautifully embroidered pictures were inspired by the stained-glass windows in a small church dedicated to St. Gregory near Sedbergh. They were worked by Brenda Pearson on canvas, off and on, from 2009 to 2011. The colour and stitchery are absolutely beautiful and the more you look the more things of interest you find.
Well Done Brenda! They are wonderful and what a high standard you have set us all.

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