Archive for June 2012

Exhibition of Work

Don't forget our exhibition of work on Saturday 30th June 10:00 - 4:00 at the Supper Room Cartmel Village Hall, Cartmel.

Illuminated Letter

Dorothy has finished her letter by embroidering the small squares and adding beads. The rich colours look absolutely beautiful and I love the way you get additional patterns from the cross stitches next to each other. Thank you Dorothy!

Illuminated Letters June Meeting 2012

Our June Meeting was led by Sandra Kendall one of our own members who showed us how to make and embroider Illuminated Letters. Sandra brought some letters with her that she had made after seeing an article in Stitch where the members of the Lincoln Branch had been inspired by the 14C Luttrell Psalter.

Sample letters
The letters were painted and stitched in rich colours.
Sandra had produced a pack for each member containing a computer print of an Illuminated letter on abaca tissue, heat n bond and a computer print out to work out the colour scheme.
There was silence in the room as members painted their letters carefully after choosing their colours.
Members all hard at work painting their letters

Painted letters

After members had painted their letters they screwed up their tissue and then attached it to the heat n bond to give an aged look.
 One of our members had time to start to machine around her letter. 
Machine stitching the outlines of the letters

Members then took the partly finished letters home to complete with embroidery and beads.
Thank you Sandra for a good day.


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