Archive for December 2012

December Meeting 2012 Christmas Party and Competition

This month we all arrived bearing goodies for the Jacob's Join and many members were carrying  extra prizes to be donated for the raffle.


The room had been decorated with a pretty Christmas tree which helped to create a festive atmosphere.
For our Christmas competion members had brought their completed Everlasting Landscape started at the last meeting with Anne Covell. There was some holding of breadth when we saw if they matched up but they produced a very pleasing landscape as you can see below.

 Members voted for their favourite and the winner was number 7 embroidered by Gillian Darrington. Well Done Gillian!

We then had a quiz based on hand stitches which caused a lot of giggling!

We then set up the food and everyone was invited to help themselves.
It was an enjoyable meeting and all thanks go to the members for their offerings of food, raffle prizes, taking part in the quiz and competition.
Happy Christmas to all our members and wishing you all a peaceful New Year.


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