Archive for March 2013

Completed Stump Work Animals

Jennifer, Margaret and Sandra K. have completed their stump work animals started at the meeting in January. Here are the animals mounted as pictures in the photographs below.
Lion by Sandra K.
Rooster by Jennifer

Two Rabbits by Margaret
All so very different yet from the same starting point. Well Done!

Starry Night with Sandra Kendall March Meeting 2013

Starry Night

Our Meeting this month was led by Sandra Kendall one of our own members who brought with her a copy of Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh which had been cut into a 4 x 5 grid of 20 rectangles.
Each member chose a rectangle to interpret in stitch using any technique or combination of techniques they wanted.
Starry Night and a few of the rectangles
Sandra had completed the rectangle in the bottom left hand corner to show as an example.

She had used painting and then appliqued on two shapes. This was then over stitched with couching and stem stitch as shown below. 
picture rectangle on left embroidery on right

Members had brought all sorts of materials and threads with them to interpret their rectangle and Sandra had brought  a selection from her stash!
extra materials to use

Most members already had an idea of how they were going to proceed and the techniques they were going to use including wet felt making, needlefelting, couching, weaving, embellishing and a variety of stitching which can be seen in the pictures below.

The colours being used in the room were beautiful and members had an enjoyable day. Sandra is looking forward to all the rectangles being completed and then the work will be reassembled as the picture Starry Night again. 


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