March Meeting 2011 My Quilts and Me

This month we were pleased to welcome Barbars Slee who came to talk about her Quilts, most of which she had made herself but with a few specials such as an Amish quilt which she had purchased.
She told us that she first got into patchwork and quilting when she lived in the U.S.A. and at that stage in her life she even had to learn how to sew! She spoke with great affection of her time in America, the friends she made through quilting and the way it started her on a life journey with an interest in quilts and their making.
She brought a huge number of quilts to show us mostly traditional in style, some with a sentimental attachment but all very awe inspiring.
You can see some of Barbara's quilts in the pictures and cannot help but be impressed with the patterns, colours and the artistic layouts.
We enjoyed the talk enormously and it was very interesting to hear someone talk about what set them going on a craft and the inspiration along the way.
Thank you Barbara for a lovely afternoon.

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