April Meeting 2011 Designer Crochet

We were pleased to welcome Pauline Turner to our April Meeting.Pauline gave us a history of crochet and its development which she illustrated with samples of domestic, fashion and artistic crochet. The pieces ranged from tablecloths to jackets and shawls and included pieces of freeform crochet just for the sheer enjoyment of colour and texture.

We were all fascinated with the texture and the blending of colours which a range of crochet stiches and different ways of working them could bring to a piece.

Pauline then demonstrated how to make a crochet button and then it was over to us how we went forward.

One group were determined to master the buttons another group started a piece of freeform while another group practised perfecting their tension with a few basic stitches!

We were also shown neater ways of decreasing and edging our garments.

Everyone went home with something and I have the feeling that crochet is going to be very fashionable around South Cumbria!!!!

Thank you Pauline for an interesting day.

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