May Meeting 2011 From Yuk to Wow

We welcomed back Ann Burrow to this month's meeting and she brought with her examples of work she had done on plastic canvas with string and then completely altered the result by painting and embossing.

We set about embroidering our unprepossessing plastic canvas with fairly thick string. We used raised stitches that would stand proud like sheaf, Rhodes,cross etc..

After the embroidery the whole piece was covered in PVA glue and then pieces of tissue paper were stuck on making sure that it was pressed into and around the stitching.

Then the transformation from "yuk to wow" began with paint, embossing powders and gilding.

We were all pleased with our results after starting with something so mundane as plastic canvas. Members made mirror frames, book marks and small pictures and it also triggered ideas of different ways that plastic canvas could be used in the future.

We always enjoy our workshops with Ann and she has the knack of making us look at quite simple things in different ways.

Thank you Ann for a good workshop.

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