North West Regional Summer School

On Thursday Sandra, Maureen and Jennifer made ther way down the M6 to Alston Hall for Summer School with Janet Browne. All three were going to make a stitched map of their own choice. Janet had brought with her an inspirational amount of work on maps but also her stitched birds which we all fell in love with and hope to have a go at sometime in the future! You can see her work in the pictures below.

On Thursday evening they were shown the technique of layering the fabric, stitching and then cutting back the layers.  they all made a house to understand the order of stitching and cutting back etc..
The following day Sandra began her map of walking to Mycenae in Greece, Maureen her sailing holidays in Scotland and Jennifer her local area around Walney.

On the Friday Anne C and Ann T arrived to embroider stumpwork and make felt respectively. The stumpwork tutor Nicola Hulme set up a very attractive display of traditional and modern stumpwork which you can see below.

Anne made a start on her stumpwork but she had to leave early on the Sunday and will complete her piece at home. These are a few pieces of work from the group.
Sheila Smith also brought samples of her felt work to inspire everyone.
Ann was quickly into the felt, making several samples and learning new ways of incorporating interesting textures into felt.
Below are some of Sheila's samples.
Below are some of the pieces from the group.

After three days of hard work until about 10:30 each night interspersed with food Sandra ,Maureen and Jennifer were well on with their pieces but still plenty to do at home.

On Sunday after lunch there was a chance to wander round and see what the other groups had done.
The end of another enjoyable Summer School.

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